September 17

Sept. 25 plans
Missy will be finalizing plans for next week's early release day.  We'll send out a separate email on that soon. Thanks.

Garden Murals Completed

Thanks again to Fran Copp for the wonderful murals.  We just got them up on Sunday, and as Billy Crystal would say, they look marvelous!  
New Organizations page
I regularly receive printed newsletters from organization such as Science Teachers Association of New York State and others, so I've started a page linked to the left.  If you have any organizations you'd like to have linked here, please let me know.

We will be starting up observations soon. We will have 2 observations during the school year - 1 announced and 1 unannounced.  For the announced observation, I will need the pre-conference form completed, lesson plan and any artifacts you would like to submit.  All observations will be conducted through My Learning Plan (MLP).

If you'd rather use the pre-observation form, that's OK.  It's linked here and from the master contents. It's a Word doc. Once you have it open in Google Drive, you can click the download button in the upper right.  Better yet, just use MLP - it's easy!

From CTS - Google Password Fun
Some confusion arises after a google password reset when the Chromebook still wants the old password.
Some fine points:
  • When a Google password is reset while the user is logged into a Chromebook with the forgotten password, the Chromebook asks for the old password after logon.
  • If the user has forgotten the old password, click the link that says "I forgot my password."
  • Then a screen pops up with some information and link that says "Proceed anyway."  Click "proceed anyway."
Slightly more:
  • The second login is protecting any information belonging to the local profile.  We do not need the old local profile.
  • Two things which may not be in the cloud in a local profile is the Downloads folder, which all came from the cloud in the first place, and possibly recently taken camera pictures that were not "saved as a file.
Youth Mental Health First Aid, Oct. 16
Click here for the full flyer and sign up info.

BOCES newsletter 9/11
All BOCES newsletters are linked here.

United Way Campaign Flyer
Thank you for listening to the United Way presentation last week.  The flyer is linked above.  Here is the donation form if you're interested.

AFLAC sign off dates
Sign off dates begin today.

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