September 10

Please make your name legible on passes
I received the message below from a staff member.  This is a very reasonable request, so please make sure your name is legible.

Passes are necessary.  Please ask teachers to use their name not a signature.  I already have passes that I can't verify due to initials and indecipherable signatures.  Please have people print so passes can be read.  

Please print if your writing isn't legible enough.  Thanks.

Falcons' Nest Rules
Please see the rules doc linked above.  I am sharing this with all seniors. This is a privilege that all seniors will need to help maintain.

Faculty meeting dates
Faculty meeting dates are in Appendix O of the staff handbook (linked from the contents page).

Check out Rachel Hallock's new class site
Great job Rachel!  Click on the title above.

Google Classroom class codes for teams
Thanks to the teams who are using Google classroom to communicate.  It's doing as intended, and now I'd like to get folks on board who want to follow a particular team.  Click here for the classroom codes list. This list is in the A-Lists and Maps folder in Staff Share.

True Rockstars Don't Hate
When I see an interesting looking speaker in the emails I get, I'll share them here.  Click on the link above.  There's a video near the bottom of the page. Feel free to discuss in team.  I save this and other links in my speakers page in this blog.

District Administration Magazing, August '18

Project idea for classes or clubs:

This summer, I was contacted by a representative from the National Pedriatic Cancer Foundation. They sponsor fundraisers for schools. If you're an adviser and would like to check it out, please see the links here:

Professional Development Resources

From Missy (thanks Missy):
Thought for the month- Focus on what kids can do, even if it's not what you hoped. Growth and real learning live in the recognition of potential and possibilities not in the recognition of deficits.
Carol Dweck Video on Ted Talks: The power of believing you can improve

Cumberland Regional School District, Bridgeton, New Jersey
Initiative: In the Freshman Seminar/Senior Mentoring program at Cumberland Regional High School, seniors are assigned ninth- graders to mentor. This peer support includes tutoring, and guidance in relationship-building, decision-making, social awareness and self-management. Seniors also conduct daily organizational checks, weekly conferences and notebook checks to help ninth-graders stay on track. “The program’s innovative nature has supported unprecedented success in the targeted areas of positive behaviors, academic success, absenteeism and on-time graduation,” says Lauren Taniguchi, the district’s coordinator of grants and communications.

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