Wednesday, May 9

Summer PD form
Please complete an entry in the linked survey if you'd like to be considered for a summer PD project.

Evac drill notes from yesterday
Thanks to those who gave input on this form.  Comments are turned on.

Field Trip Committee?
It was recently suggested to me that we talk about field trips.  I'd be happy to have a temporary committee to explore any changes in how we administer field trips. We could do this in June after classes are done. Please let me know if you're interested.

Skilled trades speakers in John Barkee's class
Here's a reminder that John Barkee is having the speakers in his period 6/7 class on Thursday.  Feel free to take a class or let kids know.  I'll put it in the announcements in case a student has a learning lab or lunch.

Here's the article that John shared.  Thanks John.

   One more speaker for Friday:

  • Brandon Morgan former SSCS student, RIT civil engineering graduate, ROTC
  • Friday 6 period in the CAD Lab rm117
  • Brandon is fulfilling his ROTC requirements, and is back in the area on leave. He contacted me about coming and talking to some kids about his experiences.
  • So if you have any kids interested send them down 6 period on Friday. I expect him to talk for about a 1/2 hour max. 

Castle Learning Usage
Congrats to our Global teachers.  Over 15,000 Global questions have been answered in Castle Learning.  We need more people to use this valuable tool.  It works for test review.  


  • Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning  I almost bought the farm a few times in my life because I'm not a good swimmer, and I panicked. Feel free to share this with students and talk about it for summer. 

Student Opportunities

Joe's Heroes of Vietnam:
Open invitation to all faculty and staff:   11th Annual - 4 Heroes of Vietnam

All 9th graders will be experiencing this remembrance and honoring of the four former Interlaken and Ovid students KIA in Vietnam. We will be spending the time "walking in their shoes; in the same hallways we walk through, sit in the same classrooms, participate in the same extracurricular activities, live in the same communities...."

Stop by room 108/109 during part of or all of any of the following times:

  • Monday May 21 (A) 9:15 - 10:30
  • Tuesday, May 22 (B) 12:45 - 1:16 part 1 
  • Wednesday, May 23 (C) 9:15 - 10:30
  • Thursday, May 24 (D) 12:45 - 1:16 part I

Check out:   4 Heroes of Vietnam for comments from past South Seneca students.

Cornell Law Institute
The Law Library is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a free, two-day Law Institute for High School Students from June 28 - 29, 2018, here in the Law School.

Patterned after our highly successful Summer Law College, the Cornell Law Institute is designed to introduce rising juniors and seniors to the study of law and careers in the field.  We plan to cover basic legal subjects and discuss timely legal issues.  Faculty for the institute will be drawn from the Law School. In addition, administrators will be present to discuss preparation for law school and careers in law.

If you have a child entering their junior or senior year of high school who would be interested in this program, we welcome them to participate.  Registration may be completed here:

Please submit the online registration form by Friday, May 18, 2018.  Questions may be directed to Amy Emerson at or by telephone at 607-255-5441.

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