Friday, March 4

BOCES weekly bulletin - now on the web

BOCES Tribune - Student News for March
Annie Williams Appleby is on the front cover. 

Nominate a HS senior
Please consider give me some name(s) of kids you would like to nominate for the award linked above.  Let's celebrate our best SS students.

Free ASCD Webinar on disrupting poverty  This takes place on March 17th.

March Madness - Message from Felicia Woodard:

As you know, we did not have Snowcoming this year and Student Government planned for a March Madness instead.  With that said, March Madness is creeping up on us quickly!!  March Madness will be during our short week in March, March 13th-17th.  There is less going on with March Madness than there was with Homecoming, but Student Government still has a few different plans!

There will be dress up days for the Week.  We tried to combine Spring, Music in Our Schools Month, St. Patty’s Day, and Sports into the Dress Up days (side note…we will not be using this as a competition, just for fun!):

  • Monday – Favorite Sport’s Day!
  • Tuesday – Flower Power
  • Wednesday – Favorite Band/Artist
  • Thursday – GREEN DAY (For St. Patty’s Day!)

2.    Penny Collection Competition
Each class will collect pennies for a Charity Organization!  The rules are as follows:
a.     Each advisor will be given a Collection Jar to keep in their room
b.     Each class should add PENNIES to their OWN Collection Jar
c.      Sabotage the other classes by adding NON-PENNY COINS into the jars of the other classes      
The Jars will be in the rooms of the following Advisors:
  12th Grade – Chad Eastman
  11th Grade – Cindy Brewer
  10th Grade – Mike Putnam
  9th Grade – Kate Remick

d.     The class with the largest amount of Pennies (after non-penny reductions) will receive a PIZZA PARTY!
e.     The winning class will also choose which Charity the donations will go to

3.    Flower Gram
Student Government will sell Spring Flower Grams during lunches March 7th – 11th!
Flower delivery will happen on Wednesday, March 16th during Homeroom.

Buy a Spring Flower for your friend!
-         Daisies: $2.25
-         Tulips: $3.60
-         Iris: $2.80

4.    Sports Trivia

Each day there will be a new Sports Trivia Question read over the announcements.  Students can submit their answers to either myself in Room 208 or Lisa Chalifoux, in the Special Ed. Suite by the end of the day.   Each day there will be 1 winner and that person will receive a prize!

5.    Faculty Dodgeball Game

Student Government will also host a Faculty Dodgeball Game on Wednesday, March 16th at 7PM.
If you have ANY questions, email me (  There will be more emails to come as we get closer to the week!

Action research project from Ithaca principal:


My name is Dan Breiman and I'm the Principal of Belle Sherman Elementary in the Ithaca City School District.  I'm in the preliminary stages of investigating/conducting an action research project about classroom-based professional development (peer observation) for doctoral dissertation @ Seton Hall University.  As I'm in the preliminary stages my study has not currently been approved by IRB.  Here are the specifics:

Participatory Action Research Project about peer observation as a form of professional development.

    6 week study
    Researcher will recruit interested participants, run information sessions, conduct study
    Teachers will be paired in 4 teams of 2 that include pairing of experienced teachers with newer teachers
    Peer observation cycle will include three phases: Pre-observation meeting, Observation, Post-observation meeting
    Participants will engage in weekly 20-minute observations throughout the 6-week cycle
    Peer observation pairs will collaboratively plan a standards based lesson with defined learning targets


    Opportunity to work in collaborative teams to share and improve instructional practice
    Reduce teacher isolation
    Contribute new knowledge about job-embedded professional development
    Positively impact school climate

 Please contact or (607) 379-2370 if you are interested in participation or would like to learn more about this project

Thank you,

Daniel J. Breiman
Belle Sherman Elementary
Ithaca City School District