March 10

March 18 Plans
Below is the assembly schedule for 3/19.  We will try to get bells to work for these times.  It worked out well, so class time will be minimally affected. This schedule is on the schedules tab of the master.

March 19 Plans
Please see the March 19 plans linked above.  Missy and I are still working on it, but we're getting close.  We have a few tech related offerings being added soon.  If there is something you'd like to work on, let us know sooner than later.

Get To Know
Mr. David Turken

Click on the title for my talk with David. He's enjoying his time here, and he loves the community support. This Emmy nominated interview (LOL) will be sent out to the community in my news blog.

Field Trips - get the word out

As we approach the spring field trip season, it would greatly benefit all colleagues if the teacher putting out the announcement could include what letter day the field trip is on. Please get your notices out well in advance, with a couple weeks being good.  Another reminder a few days beforehand would be good too. Thanks.

Want a second monitor? 
The CTS folks have some extra monitors, so let them know if you're interested. A second monitor even works in combination with a larger screen.  You can drag tabs or files from one monitor to the other. They come in handy when you're working with a lot of things at one time (maybe I should close some tabs!).

Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use
Updated Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-level Mathematics Posted on Office of State Assessment Website

  • The updated Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-level Mathematics provide clarification for the usage of a graphing calculator device on a Mathematics Regents Examination.
  • Updated sections include the Introduction, Restricted Features/Prohibited Functions, and Calculator Tasks.
  • A new section with Frequently Asked Questions has been developed.
  • Questions about using calculators on State tests may be directed to the Of

March 2

7 Rooms I Wish My School Had to Promote Teacher Mental Health
One of the rooms is the primal scream room.  We have that already - my office!  Come on in and give it a try!  And the puppy room - now that's a no brainer.  On a serious note, remember that we have a page in this blog for mental health links.  If you have extra links you'd like there, please let me know.

Year Round Gardening Program?

Click on the title for a short article from a school on Cape Cod.  In April, I'm traveling to the National Farm to Cafeteria conference with Patty Parsons and Kathy Bishop.  We're part of a group of schools in the TST Region that have received a grant to make projects like this happen. 

TST Tribune

The TST (BOCES) Tribune has some relevant stories worth checking out.  There is an article on area teachers who have achieved National Board certification with a link on information in case you're interested.  There is also a story from the P-Tech Academy.  Several South Seneca students attend the academy.

Teach the 2020 Census         View free materials here.

Statistics in Schools Week is March 2–6!

Use these mix-and-match activities from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program to help your students understand why it’s vitally important for every person to be counted in the upcoming census.

Leveled for grades K–12, these multi-subject resources will help students connect with the census, from coun​ting for kindergartners to examining career statistics for high schoolers.

Cool mix of Art and Social Studies

I was visiting Trumansburg for a meeting a couple weeks ago and saw this mural with words from Frederick Douglass.  It's a great looking mural. 

Hallway Beautification Project

Feel free to look at the "Hallway Project" folder in the shared Pictures drive.  Jen Watson and I are working on gathering some pictures for some large frames that I purchased.  As a staff member, you have contributor access to this drive, so if you'd like to put something there, please do, or just email to me or Jen.  Picture files should be of large format.  Something like .png give more detail than .jpeg.  If you have any questions, please speak with Jen. Thanks!

Thanks to Tina and all the Falcon Players crew for their hard work leading up to this year's musical.

Let's all join them for a fun show!

February 10

Course guide for next year
I've placed an editing copy of next year's course guide in Google Drive.  I've set it up so that you can comment.  Please find your section and look things over.  Any questions, let me or Sean know.  Thanks.

The course guide is also linked from the contents tab of the master.

Middle School poster contest
MS teachers - please see the poster linked above.  I have plenty of copies for the kids.

STEPS weekly update
When I get these, I'll post them here.  The STEPS organization does a great job for our community!

NYS Triple C Award
Please see the message I received below.  I would like to get some names of kids who you believe are deserving of this award.  We can nominate two from both the middle and high schools.

Dear School Administrator:

I am honored to continue the Attorney General's Triple “C” Awards Program, a tradition which recognizes the "Courage, Commitment and Character" of New York's hard working students. In the past year and throughout my career in public service, I have had the privilege of meeting many outstanding young people from communities across the Empire State. Whether succeeding in academic pursuits, participating in community service, displaying leadership skills among their peers, or overcoming personal obstacles; these students provide us with hope for a brighter future. They are the students whom this award was established to honor.

Therefore, I am asking you to select two students whom you believe deserve special recognition to receive the Triple “C” Award. You may submit your nominations through our online portal.

Please fill out the form completely and submit it as soon as possible, no less than 3 weeks before the date needed. If you would like to nominate more than two students, you may submit the nomination form multiple times. If you would like to request a representative from our office to attend your ceremony and present your awards, please be sure to provide the date and location of the event.  This will greatly assist us in planning for the ceremony.  We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.

If you have not received your awards 2 weeks before your event, if you have any questions, or if you need assistance in completing your nomination, please contact our office at or (518) 776-2355.

Thank you very much for your interest in our program. We look forward to receiving your nominations.

Letitia James

February 6

Room of the week

John Gilfus!

John's students are getting some great practical experience.  Thanks John.
We recently installed a second lift into John's auto shop.  This allows longer lasting projects to be in the class along with quicker jobs. 

I just posted the list above on our Family tab.  If you have any resources you'd like on this list, please let me know.  I'll be sharing it with parents.

Foster parent info
Linked from the title is a letter from Glove House, a foster parent organization.  This is also linked from the community resources list.

To view the community resources list and other family related items, over over
the Family tab on the site and make a choice. 

Sobering article on dwindling enrollment numbers
Over the last 40 years, numbers have dropped like a rock in many New York districts.

The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia 
Ithaca Spring 2020 Seminar Series

From Wendy Wright - email is

Dear fellow educators,
Do you want to participate in an amazing professional development opportunity where you can earn 30 PD hours AND get paid? Would you like to travel? Do you want free classroom materials?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, take a look at the attached informational brochure from The National Consortium for Teaching Asia.  There will be a seminar help right here in Ithaca this spring.

I would love to talk about this unique opportunity with you and answer any questions you might have. I can be reached at 607-564-0286 or

Thank you,
Wendy Wright
ESL Teacher - Lansing High School
NCTA - Facilitator

Planned system upgrade
This shouldn't affect anyone, but here you go just in case.

From: "Desk of Pam Mazzaferro"
Date: 01/27/2020 12:33PM
Subject: Network Outage February 17 Notification

Good afternoon.

To complete the CNYRIC migration to the new ACI Core,  we have to plan for one additional network outage on Presidents Day Monday, February 17, from 8 am to 6 pm.  All services will be unavailable during this time.

Performing the migration during regular business hours is necessary to ensure that CNYRIC has access to all levels of vendor technical staff throughout the day. I know outages are difficult for districts; at the same time, this work is a critical component for the security of the network and WAN. I much appreciate your support and understanding of the importance of this migration.

January 27

Be the One

Thanks to the #BeTheOne crew for organizing things for this week.  Can't wait for the oatmeal bar on Friday!

Mondays with Molly

We recently welcomed Molly Kennedy to speak with both schools.  Molly has a great message for young people.  She recently started her Mondays with Molly Youtube talks.  I hope you enjoy it!
Big drops in community colleges
Thanks to Sean for sharing this eye opening story. Many of the biggest drops are in central and western NY.

BOCES Lipdub
For the past few years, BOCES has been doing a great and fun event called a Lipdub.  One of our students, Amanda Bennett, starts things off.  Check it out!

Board Report
Every month, I write a public report for the board.  I've included some items about various rooms, guidance, curriculum, etc.

Tech Help from Paul at BOCES
Below is a copy of Paul's email after he came to speak with staff.  He has returned to help at least one person since then.  John Barkee is working on some instructional videos for kids.  Paul is willing to help you with your tech needs, so feel free to take him up on the offer.

Aides and assistants - you can also take advantage of his services!

Hi South Seneca folks,

Thanks for sharing your valuable time with me today. Here are resources you may find useful.

Library of Things: The resources you find here once ordered will be delivered via BOCES mail. If you find something interesting please let me know and we can plan a time when I can visit and assist you. Please reach out and ask about materials you do not see in the LoT as our purchases are usually educator driven.

Here is a video to walk you through the ordering process.

Teknologia Project: The project is always accepting participants and you are invited to join. We have one meeting a month at TST BOCES that runs from 4 - 7pm with food being provided. We currently have 2 stipend levels ($1,000/$2,000) and supply and technology materials that you need. These materials do end up in the Library of Things for future use by educators in our region as will the materials that are created by our participants.

Thanks again for all you do,


Recap of the budgeting process
Remember - requisitions are due this week!

Naomi's attachments are linked here:
Budget coding info
Budget book 2020-21

Re: 2020-21 Budget Process

Like last year, you will use the new online process for DCMO orders for the 2020-21 Budget Season. This year only your Supply budget requests will be done on the DCMO requisition website. Attached are the Budget Booklet to describe the codes and budget process and the 2-sided Budget Summary Form which you will use for all budget requests.

Please note:

·         You will not receive a printed book of items. The DCMO website has an updated format similar to any shopping order you may have placed online.  Pictures, costs and item numbers are easy to see in one place. You will have a cart and be able to check out. Notice there is a new category “Office Supplies” that includes desk items that will not be in the “School Supplies” category. You also have a search box at the top to look for specific items.

·         Your user name and password were in a letter in your mailbox from DCMO with specific instructions to set up your profile. Please add your Principals email to the profile.

·         Submit Order For Supplies Only- Last year we tried submitting all orders including contractual, field trips etc but the process was much more confusing and time consuming. So any field trips, contractual etc. will be done on a separate form.  See your building secretary for these. Once you submit your order you will not be able to access it again.

·         Important Dates-

o   By the Week of Nov 25- Staff will have received Memo with log in information for your online ordering.

o   By Dec 17th, Naomi will have met with staff at faculty meetings to discuss budget process and answer questions.

o   November 8th- January 31 Online DCMO ordering site is open for staff/admin to enter requisitions.

o   February 3rd, All Final requisitions from staff are due to Principals.

Though I will meet with staff during the Faculty meetings, I am more than happy to meet with anyone individually if you wish.

Please contact me if you did not receive log in information.

Naomi Zuckerman

PD Opps

Grow with Google

Advancement Courses

Creative Teacher

January 6

Tech talk on Tuesday

On Tuesday the 7th, Paul Wiech from BOCES will be here to help with any questions you have.  He will also give a presentation at our faculty meeting in the library.  If you'd like to meet with Paul during the day, please click this link to reserve a time. Paul will be starting regular visits to our building.  Feel free to take advantage of his expertise.

BOCES Teknologia Project
Paul Wiech can also share info about this great opportunity. 

Check out Rob's project here.
Check out Jody's project here.

January Testing file

Remember that the January testing file is linked
from the master file.

Notes on the restricted list
I'm trying something new with the restricted list.  Corrective action plans are directly linked from this list, so I don't see a need for a separate list. Thanks to those teachers who have helped so far. Sean is also helping me with these files, especially with seniors who are struggling.  More files coming soon. 

2019/2020 Youth Bureau/Board RFP
A very nice opportunity from Annie Mahoney at Seneca County:

Please see the attached information (linked in title) regarding the 2019/2020 Youth Bureau/Board RFP.  Applications are due on Friday, January 31st.  Please feel free to share this information.
Thank you and Happy New Year.

Annie Mahoney, Deputy Director for Youth Services
Seneca County Workforce Development and Youth Bureau
1 DiPronio Dr. Waterloo, NY 13165
(p)315-539-1791 (f) 315-539-3857

NYSEG Electric Universe
Please see the link in the title for this opportunity from NYSEG.  I created a new folder for resources like this in the staff share drive (curriculum / resources).  If you have anything you'd like to be stored there, please let me know.

State updates (from BOCES)
The BOCES folks are updating principals in a new way.  I think you'll like it. 
The latest updates cover the following topics:

  • Arts standards
  • Early learning
  • ELA/Literacy
  • Inclusive Education
  • Math
  • Teacher / Leader Effectiveness
  • Teknologia Project (you can sign up and earn extra money)

The Latest News from Google

Check out Google's latest education blog entry.  Lots of good info.

Next Gen Learning Standards

In an effort to share ideas and resources for the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards beginning in Fall 2020, the New York State Education Department has created the Roadmap Spotlight, an online resource highlighting steps New York educators, districts, and BOCES have taken in preparation for the implementation. The Department is seeking submissions featuring work done for the Building Capacity Phase of the Roadmap and Implementation Timeline, with the focus on the integration of the standards into curriculum, instruction, and assessment design. Articles can be submitted to at any time. Please see Guidance and Parameters for Roadmap Spotlight Articles for more information. Visit the Spotlight page to read previous editions and sign up to receive future editions.

Please contact the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at if you have any questions.

Thank you,

The New York State Education Department

December 16

Check out Giorgi's new site!
 This site will help Giorgi's students to find the resources she needs them to, and parents can see what students are working on. 

Thanks to David, Dolly and Kate for a wonderful concert!

Here is the report for this week's Board of Education meeting. 

Anti-vaping show on 12/18
Our vaping awareness and nicotine prevention game show is this week on Wednesday the 18th. We're covering a very important topic with this fun activity.
We will be running a pep rally schedule with a slight twist.  We need a full hour for the show, so we'll plan on everyone being ready to go by 1:20.  With that in mind, we'll turn the bells off after 8th period.  I would like every teacher and staff member to be present.  This is an important topic, and we should all have a hand in advising students about the dangers. Plus, it will be fun! Thanks. 

Athletics schedules posted on the master

I just put a link to our athletics calendar on the master.  I also received a wrestling schedule from Kenny Sweet, our coach.  

Faculty meeting info for Tuesday
We have faculty meetings schedule for Tuesday.  These include department meetings.  Missy and I can determine locations for them.  If you have a particular request, please let one of us know.  

BOCES Teknologia Project

Do you want to learn more about this great PD opportunity? Contact Paul Wiech at BOCES.  Paul's email is  Enrollment is always open with our next meeting on 1/16 from 4-7 and it is in Frontline.

Check out:

Rob's project

Jody's project

Some info from the About section of Teknologia:

DCMO reminder - the same as Naomi's email last week. 

Hi folks,

It is time to start thinking about your 2020-21 supply budget. CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR; You will only be ordering supplies through the DCMO website. All other items like field trips, equipment, contractual, etc will be requested on individual requisition sheets as was done in the past. A total for each category should be placed on the 2020-21 Budget Summary Form and submitted to your supervisor by February 3rd.

DCMO has updated its online requisition website which was available November 8. The new site is formatted and operates similarly to most online retail sites that you have already worked with. It is more user friendly with pictures available and a Cart to put your order into. You can also hold items for later review. Deadline to order is January 31st.

A DCMO  Online Ordering Memo was placed in your mailbox last week. The Memo addresses how to locate and log-on to the Online Reqs Shopping Cart Requisitioning Program. The memo will have each staff person's Name and Log-on with Password on the back of the folded memo.  Please put your log in information as well as the email of your supervisor in the space provided when you set up your account.

IF you did not receive a memo or have difficulty signing in, please contact Sandy Hauf. I will be meeting with staff in both buildings in December to go over the budget.

Next week I will send the 2020-21 Budget memo, Budget Summary Form and Budget Booklet via email to assist with your ordering for next year.

Naomi Zuckerman
Business Administrator