Friday, May 31

NYSTRS Summer Seminars
Retiring soon? Check out these seminar possibilities.

Board Report for May 22

Want to unclutter your "Shared with me" section in Drive?
Watch the video linked in the title.

Story Corps - Dr. Lynn Weaver
I heard the story linked above this morning on my way into work.  Definitely worth the listen and sharing it with your kids.


BOCES News for May 28

BOCES News for May 21

  • Look in the BOCES news for some good summer opportunities. 

PD Opportunities



Discovery Education Streaming

Mental Health: Healthwide Solutions  Check it out and let me know what you think.

Tap Water Watch     This is a way to raise money for new and improved water fountains. Let me know what you think of this.

Ben Cort Event - worth considering!
TED Talk Video linked here

Excuse my slowness.
Hey, I'm faster than this guy!

Funny little video linked here.

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