Friday, May 31

NYSTRS Summer Seminars
Retiring soon? Check out these seminar possibilities.

Board Report for May 22

Want to unclutter your "Shared with me" section in Drive?
Watch the video linked in the title.

Story Corps - Dr. Lynn Weaver
I heard the story linked above this morning on my way into work.  Definitely worth the listen and sharing it with your kids.


BOCES News for May 28

BOCES News for May 21

  • Look in the BOCES news for some good summer opportunities. 

PD Opportunities



Discovery Education Streaming

Mental Health: Healthwide Solutions  Check it out and let me know what you think.

Tap Water Watch     This is a way to raise money for new and improved water fountains. Let me know what you think of this.

Ben Cort Event - worth considering!
TED Talk Video linked here

Excuse my slowness.
Hey, I'm faster than this guy!

Funny little video linked here.

Monday, May 13

2019-20 Planning Calendar

This file is being used to plan events big and small for 19-20.  You can comment on any cell. Once we have the larger calendar meeting, more events will be placed here. This file is also linked from the links tab of the master.

Dress Code Procedure Reminder

Staff member notifies the nurse's office and Dena or Nicole offer them clothing to change in to.  If they refuse or don't have appropriate clothing Dena or Nicole send them to the AC room.  We call home and they are kept in the AC room until they change their clothing or until the end of the school day.  Our purpose is to 1. make them aware that their clothing is not appropriate 2.  Get them to change on their own and 3.  If they don't keep them here at school.

Recent Health Office reminder for Epi-pens  (Thanks Dena)

Severe allergic reactions can occur at any time, even if a person has never had one before, and they are frightening.  Below is a link to a short video showing how to recognize and what to do if you ever witness one.  To be the person on a field trip to administer an epi pen under the school standing order, you need to go over how to use one with one of the school nurses and we have the trainer pens so you can practice.

Please, please, please take a few minutes to watch the video.  Emergencies are always frightening, but the more you know about them, the easier it is to keep your cool and do what needs to be done.  At school you would call the health office for help.  Early recognition is key.  There are other very good videos, but the instructions for how long to leave the pen in place are still for 10 seconds.  This was recently shortened to 3 seconds.

BOCES summer opportunities (from Beth Dryer)

Dear Colleagues:

I write to share the SIS (summer 2019) Regional Professional Learning Catalog (click here).
A link to the resource will also be included in next week's TST Weekly Bulletin.

In addition to the regional professional learning events enumerated in this catalog, the SIS team looks forward to providing high-quality professional learning within your individual districts throughout July and August.

We invite your input in developing additional opportunities to meet your needs.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn and lead with you.
Beth Dryer
Regional Coordinator of Curriculum and Professional Development
Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES
555 Warren Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
P: 607-257-1551, ext. 1040  |  Twitter:  @EmpowerEDPD

Be The One
The Be the One program is helping schools with mental health initiatives.  Please take a look.  I am also sharing this link on the Mental Health page of this blog.  Please help me add to that page.

From the website:
In May of 2018 a passionate group of people came together to develop the Be The One campaign to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. The goal of the campaign was to spread the belief that everyone needs a “safe, secure and nurturing relationship”. We are excited to share that this simple message took flight and in August we applied for and received a New York State Office of Mental Health grant to continue to move this initiative throughout our region.

Habitat for Humanity Comes to Ovid

See the message below from Mr. Enzo Case, president of Generations Bank in Seneca Falls. Please let me know if you're interested.  Hopefully we could somehow help with this project. 

I am presently the Habitat for Humanity president.  Habitat for Humanity is about to close on a property in Ovid.  We plan to renovate the property and hope to begin work this summer.

We are currently contacting several organizations in preparation for this project and are willing to meet with the community or community organizations to provide details.  Ideally, we would like to organize a group of volunteers to assist in the project.

Any assistance you could provide is appreciated.

Menzo Case, President & CEO
20 East Bayard Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148

Classes Take Trips Around The World Through This Game
Thanks to Dave Z for sharing.  Looks like a cool tool.

Student not showing up in GoGuardian?
I've received some messages from people that a kid in their room isn't showing up in GoGuardian.  I checked with CTS, and this is what I received:

"According to Go Guardian Tech Supportc this can happen if she is part of another currently running session of some other teacher."

If that's not the case, they don't have a good reason to explain it.  If you notice this, please ask the student what classes they were in previously.  Maybe we can solve this mystery.

Notable New York State News

Proposed Science Assessment Timelines and Course Maps Released

In December 2016 the Board approved the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards to become effective in July of 2017.  Throughout the 2018-19 school year we are in the “Raise Awareness & Build Capacity” phase of the Board approved five-year strategic plan for science.
The timeline of the Department’s efforts related to the adoption of new science standards and the development of new science assessments along with the Course Maps for courses aligned to new Regent examinations in Science are now posted on the Science Standards
Implementation Resources website.

For questions contact or call 518-474-5922.

LOTE (World Language) Standards Revision Process and Application for Regional Standards Review Committees

On Monday, April 8th, Deputy Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green provided an overview of the Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Standards revision process to the New York State Board of Regents.  Recognizing the need to continually improve the Learning Standards that guide education in New York State, the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) will conduct a revision process of the State’s LOTE Standards, also referred to as World Languages.
To ensure that the revised standards reflect the views of educators and stakeholders from throughout New York State, OBEWL will convene Regional Standards Review Committees. These committees will represent various parts of the State with a wide range of expertise including classroom teachers, building leaders, district level leaders, parents, students, higher education faculty, world language organization representatives and business and community members.
Administrators are asked to identify potential applicants for these committees from their districts and to encourage them to apply by Friday, May 10, 2019 using the following link:  Review Committee Application.
Questions related to this process can be directed to Candace Black, (518) 473-7505 or emailed to

2019 Severe Weather Awareness Week

The National Weather Service in partnership with the New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission, the New York State Emergency Management Association, and the New York State Broadcasters Association, will be conducting the 31st annual Severe Weather Awareness Week from April 28-May 4, 2019.
This year there will be one emergency communication drill, which will be conducted statewide, simultaneously, on Thursday, May 2, at approximately 1:15 p.m.
Click on NWS New York NY Severe Weather Page for more information.

Summer Learning Opportunities for Students
If you see others, please share with me.  I'll put everything into one folder and share out with the community.

Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) at FLCC

I received the following message last week. Sounds like a good opportunity.  Feel free to mention this to students. 

I am an herbalist at Six Circles Farm in Lodi off Caywood rd.
I had been thinking about reaching out to see if there are any kids who would want to learn a bit about herbal medicine in exchange for helping me harvest, dry, and process herbs at the farm. So this isn’t a paid opportunity but a learning/ work trade.
I was thinking 3 or 4 students maybe once a month thru the summer for a half day.
How does that sound to you?
Thank you for your efforts to help children grow and learn in this way

Jaclyn Eisman

Wednesday, May 1

Crisis Debrief
I want to thank everyone for the love and support you offered to kids.  Steve is meeting with the Crisis Team tomorrow.  If anyone wants give me some input to share at the meeting, please let me know.

Health Fair
Please click the link above.  I changed the second page so that any reference to last year is removed.  Sorry for any confusion. I had a few references to last year in there.

Navigate Prepared
I'm currently working on having the system send you a welcome email.  Please set up a password so you can use it.  We will try this during a lock down.

BOCES news for April 30

Regents Review 2.0 Test Prep for Students

The New York State Regents exams are just around the corner, and you can help your students prepare for the exams with Regents Review 2.0, a free service presented by New York’s public broadcasters.

Regents Review 2.0, New York students’ favorite Regents test-preparation program, includes hour-long test preparation programs, being broadcast by New York’s public broadcast stations. Check with your local PBS station for dates and times.

The videos are also available for anytime viewing at, which also features recommended online study resources. Featured this year is a video program and resources for the new Global History and Geography II, and materials for 10 other exams including the Transition Global History and Geography test.

Regents Review 2.0 is produced by WCNY with the New York State Teacher Center Network (NYSTC) providing content development and expert teacher presenters.

Regents Review 2.0 Website

From the Nurse's Office

We have several students with a diagnosis of seizure disorder, and there are many other possible causes of seizures.  Please, please, please take a few minutes to watch these short videos showing examples of seizures (follow the link).  It may help you feel more confident in helping a student or staff member should an incident occur.  Remember to call the health office for help in the event of a tonic/clonic seizure and whenever you need help.  The most important thing to remember is to keep the student/ staff member safe, note the time the seizure started and provide as much privacy as possible.

You should have received access to the care plans for students with medical conditions and how to recognize and deal with them.  They are in Google Drive under Care Plans and sorted by anticipated graduation class.  If you aren't able to access them, please let Nicole or me know.

Need a couple of tables?

Need a few tables for your classroom?  First come, first served.  They are outside of the flex lab.

Because of recent purchases, we will also have some round tables from the library.  Talk to Jody on those.