March 27, 2019

Both boys offer younger students some great advice. 

P-Tech Program Info

Some folks have been wondering about the BOCES P-Tech program.  We currently have three ninth graders in the program, and we're looking to send a few for next year.  I put a document together that explains the program.  There are are couple of links in the document, so please click here if you'd like to check it out.

This month's Board Report

A clip worth watching

I saw this story on CBS Sunday Morning. I'm sure that the vast majority of people would not go to this man's extremes, but he does teach us a lot about tolerance and that growth is possible.


Tick Born Diseases - from

My sister shared this with me
from a Facebook post.  

Sounds like a good idea to me!

Family Navigator Info
Tina Hallock shared this with me.  You might have also received it, but I just wanted to make sure.  

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