January 22

Faculty Meetings Tuesday, Jan. 22
MS with Tim - Krista Becker's room - review MS scheduling for next year. All shared teachers too.
HS teams - Missy to send lists and rooms
*Please remember: Faculty meetings are on the calendar tab of the master.

Board Report for this week's meeting
For the second board meeting of each month, Adam and I complete a report to the board, which is available to the public on the website. I'll remember to include the board report for you every month. Just click in the title above. There is some good info in this month's report. Thanks.

Adviser meeting Feb. 5
Our esteemed Student Government advisers, Tera Stagg and Jessica Northrup, would like to share an idea for a year end event.  I have set up a meeting in the board room that's listed in the PD file for Feb. 5.  Please check that.

High School News
Click the title for a new edition. Thanks.

Latest BOCES newsletter
Many of you have been taking advantage of the excellent workshops offered at BOCES.  The full schedule is linked from the newsletter.

Here's a good example of a quality offering from BOCES:
ASYNCHRONOUS /āˈsiNGkrənəs/ Anytime, Anywhere Learning - The purpose of the Asynchronous Learning at TST is to give educators the opportunity to investigate technology tools that can help promote creativity and student-choice in learning. Educators will participate at times that fit their schedules and in the environment that is most comfortable for their styles of learning. Goals for these sessions are to explore, create and experience the joy of learning.

Kim Zajac returning 2x per week
We're getting some much needed help. We made an arrangement with Seneca County, and we'll be getting some much needed help from Kim. This is great news, and it should happen within the next several weeks.

Thinking out National Board Certification?

Did you know you could get a yearly stipend for National Board certification.  It's a rigorous process, but this great program can improve your teaching and crank up the paycheck.

Using Alexa in Education (from Beth McCheyne)
This is a very interesting review which describes a bit about how Alexa and Google Assistant work (and don't work) for answering our questions. With the increase in use of these devices, I think it's important for us to consider how we use them with students.


Technology and the next gen learning standards
A presentation that Mike Pliss sent to me.  Thanks Mike.

Falcon Flyers Breakfast in Paris - February 11

Tera and Jessica are doing a great job so far with the Falcon Flyers program, and they're at it again with "Breakfast in Paris on February 11.  We'll dismiss Falcon Flyers students at 8:50 from 2nd period and they will get to their 3rd period classes by 9:25.

Our little celebration will take place in the flex lab and wrap around the morning break. I'll have to move a learning lab or two.  I'll let folks know of that change.

Thanks for your cooperation.

January 8

Links on the master front page

I've been working to make sure the most commonly used links are on the front page of the master.  The top list of links is highlighted on the left. I hope this helps. Let me know if a common file should be in the left section.

A TED Talk worth watching

I was looking for  video to show kids about the reasons for learning math, and I ran across this professor's TED talk.  His real message was about how we learn and understand.

It's a great talk, so if you have a few minutes, check it out.

Advanced Google Classroom Training from BER
We could possibly send a few folks and turnkey the training. Let me know.

BOCES latest news
Above is the current news from Barry Derfel.  As always, there are lots of opportunities and other great info, so please check it out.


New York State Ed Tech Innovators

This period newsletter provides some very useful information in a variety of tech topics. Definitely worth the read. I'll share this as new editions are published.

High School Students Encouraged to Apply for the 2019 New York State Summer School of the Arts

STEPS Pot luck dinner
STEPS is having a meeting along with a dinner to talk about some local initiatives where we might be able to get involved. Please see the linked announcement.


'Going To Office Hours Is Terrifying' And Other Tales Of Rural Students In College
I thought this article was appropriate for our rural district.