Monday, November 19

Thanks for your work with kids. 

Thanks to Bev for organizing the feast!

The Real Cost of Vaping

Curriculum materials attached (from Scholastic and the FDA). 
Here is a letter I will be sending to parents. 

Important message from CTS

A South Seneca Faculty user recently received a fraudulent e-mail which looked very real, and prompted them to click on a link.  Although they were not expecting this message, and were suspicious, they were even more concerned that someone might be stealing their identity.  The link did contain a dangerous payload, which fortunately was recognized by antivirus software.  This will not always be the case.

The end user is the first line of defense against malicious software.  Please do not click links in e-mail if you are not very close to perfect certainty that you know the sender and intention.  The malicious senders use powerful psychology to get you to click.  Be stronger than that.

Here is advice from docusign.

Lists - you must be logged into Google to view

Possible presenter?  Feel free to send me some input.

Zucchini everywhere: 
School-grown produce teaches students to eat their veggies

Also - Ag in the Classroom

Thanks to Todd K for sharing. 

Classroom of the week
Robin Parzych!
Nice job Robin!


BOCES news Nov. 13
Focus on regional priorities - great reasons to read the BOCES news. 

Attention teachers and students: New York is planning to extend an important testing moratorium

Nearly 1 in 5 Teens Seriously Considers Suicide. Can Schools Offer Relief?

Mineola among nation's 'most innovative school districts'

Updated Physical Activity Guidelines Are Out. But Most Teenagers Never Met the Old Ones

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