Monday, April 16

PD schedule for Friday
Please click the link and review your line (sorted by department). Missy and I have worked on this together, and we believe it's looking pretty good.  Aides and assistants are at the bottom.  Email me or Missy for any needed changes or for questions.  If you see a link in a particular cell, the link will take you to a document, which in many cases is open for just you or a few people.

April 23 assembly special schedule: Save a Life Tour

For next Monday the 23rd, HS students need to report to their regular C day first period for attendance and announcements. After that, they should proceed to the auditorium.  Please accompany your students. The special schedule below is in the "schedules" tab of the master.

Team 7/8 will be working on Second Step during the assembly.  I'm assuming Team 6 will be doing a project of some type (please let me know on that).

STEPS Day of Service: Saturday April 21

Please talk this up to kids (see link in title).  This is a great way to serve the community and to get some needed community service hours. My wife Sue and I will be heading up the garden clean up, and we have some other projects like road clean ups going on. 


STEPS Sustainability Forum - May 15

The STEPS organization is planning a night of presentations and meetings at the elementary school.  Please consider attending.  Let's think of some ways our school can get involved. Click the title for more info. 

The New York State Regents exams are just around the corner, and educators can help students prepare for them with Regents Review 2.0, a free service presented by New York's public broadcasters. 

I like the format of their newsletter, and I'll share more of them with you.  Please check it out. 

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