Thursday, January 25

Budget news
Most budget requests are in.  I will be reviewing those in the next week to two weeks, and I will meet with each of you individually. I'm fairly confident that I'll be allowed a similar total as our current budget.

Thanks to our wonderful long term substitutes
I would like to thank Todd Wyckoff and Michele Reeves.  Todd is stepping in for technology classes and Michele for high school English. I appreciate their great efforts in our time of need.


Quick Review of Monday to Wednesday special schedule

It appears that the events where students were being graded were the most effective as far as student interest and attendance are concerned.  See Fran's report here.  Class projects like CAD also had good attendance because the project was required.  The best fits were those events where the teacher played a major part in the planning.  Maybe that's what we could do in the future: include only those events where people welcome the longer time frames and they're required as a midterm would be.

Thanks for all your efforts in those special workshops, and thanks to those people who helped to fill in some gaps. It was crazy with all the sickness going around.

Thanks again to Nina for planning all of the special locations. That's a big job.

BOCES weekly bulletin from Barry Derfel, Jan. 16

2018 Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE) 
  • The Scholarships for Academic Excellence affords financial support to top students graduating in June 2018 from New York State high schools.  We anticipate having 2,000 scholarships available valued at $1,500 and 6,000 scholarships available valued at $500. 
  • The Scholarships for Academic Excellence information was forwarded to all registered New York State high schools (over 1,800) in September -
  • Unfortunately, every year over 1,000 scholarships go unused due to nominations not being submitted, submitted incorrectly, or submitted past the deadline.  This year we want to cut this number in half.
  • The SAE deadline date is fast approaching – Thursday, February 15, 2018
  • Questions may be directed to the Scholarships Unit at (518) 474-3719 or via email at

Monthly ASCD Update
We have an ASCD institutional membership.  Feel free to check their quality offerings.

New book: Doing Poorly on Purpose

ADK Seasonal Job Openings
I thought a few of you might be interested in seeing this. Maybe good for a few of our older HS kids?

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