Monday, September 11

Note: Links are a light red in this new format. 

More Schooltool help
Phil Owens will be here on Tuesday September 19 from 8:30 to noon in the library (unless he's called to rooms).  If you want to reserve some time with him now, please email Phil at

Letter day issue in Schooltool.  This has been fixed. 

Summer PD
Did you work on approve PD and not turn in your paperwork?  This needs to be done ASAP. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Memo from state:
Health alert - Sepsis awareness.  Curriculum resources are available.

See You at the Pole
On September 27, the annual See you at the pole event will take place. Just a heads up that at 7:00 am that morning there will be community members and students praying around our flag pole in front of the HS.    Here is the site.

BOCES student lunch release
Afternoon BOCES should be released in the same fashion as last year.  If the students have a learning lab, they can be released at 10:27 (no earlier). If they are in class, it's up to teacher discretion, but no earlier than 10:27.  They will be given preference in line, so there should be enough time for them if they are in class until the regular time of 10:30.  Please tell your BOCES students that they can get to the front of the line in a civil fashion if other kids are there first.

Portfolio List   (see link in title)
I will be working with several teachers over the next few weeks to fill this list, which is sorted by grade. I might put each grade into a separate tab, which would reduce the amount of links on one page. This file is in staff share / portfolio docs.

Extra class adviser meeting Sept. 21
From Naomi:
Ben Owens from Insero & Co, our auditors, will be here Thursday, Sept 21st at 2:30 pm in the High School Auditorium with their annual PowerPoint presentation.  This is a mandatory meeting for all advisers and student officers to review the documentation needed and required process to run a successful club for 2017-18. If you are unable to attend, please contact me directly.
See you there,
Naomi Zuckerman

ASCD Webinar: 
Teaching to Strengths: Supporting Students Living with Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress
Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 3:00 p.m. eastern time (US)
Presented by Debbie Zacarian, Lourdes Alvarez-Ortiz, and Judie Haynes
Click the link for registration info.

A program that Peg Vogel is involved in
Peg formerly worked at an alternative school in Corning. I visited there last spring, and they do some amazing things.
From Peg: When you have 5 minutes, please watch this short video explaining the program that I am involved in with the HSLC and Rockwell Museum.  We could do something similar for after school, or find our own "Triangle Fund" type donor.  It's a very powerful program.


Is it time to tear down monuments to the Confederacy?
I watched a great piece on the CBS Sunday Morning show.  I think it would be great to share with your students in some way.

New York Teachers Wanted: Here's Why
New York has nearly 8,600 fewer active educators than it did five years ago, and the number of SUNY students majoring in education has dropped 50 percent since 2007, fueling fears of a looming teacher shortage across the state.

Nothing like a nice Sunday morning paddle in September!

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