Wednesday, December 21

I hope you all have a great holiday break!
Thanks for working so hard for each and every student.

Statement of profit and loss for advisers
This form is in staff share / adviser info.

Going Beyond Motivation to Engagement
I'm meeting with some other principals for some professional development, and our leader shared this with us the other day.  It's worth the time if you can read through it.

NYSEG Energy Education
Click on the title for a letter I received from NYSEG concerning some programs available on their site.

BOCES Weekly Bulletin - Dec. 20

Scott Fitch - rescheduled presentation on February 3:

Scott Fitch is simply a great guy who has a powerful message.  He's also our Josten's rep.  He likes the Falcons so much, he had himself reassigned to our school. Scott gave a wonderful presentation for our athletes last year.  I was so impressed, I asked him to communicate with all of our students.

Scott will do two presentations - MS and HS.  I will use the same type of schedule as our last presenter with a possible variation. I'll post that later.

Here is Scott's bio. 


The Formative Five: Fostering Grit, Empathy, and Other Success Skills Every Student Needs, the new ASCD book by veteran school leader Thomas R. Hoerr, will show educators how to foster the "Formative Five" success skills that today's students need, including
  • Empathy: learning to see the world through others' perspectives.
  • Self-control: cultivating the abilities to focus and delay self-gratification.
  • Integrity: recognizing right from wrong and practicing ethical behavior.
  • Embracing diversity: recognizing and appreciating human differences.
  • Grit: persevering in the face of challenge.


Spotlight on School Solutions:  Top Education Tools for Powering the Learning Process
This if from District Admin Magazine.

Watchdog Report: Upstate Sinks in Flood of Illegal Opioids

NY Changes the way school violence is tracked

Tuesday, December 13

Tentative January Testing Schedule
Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. As of right now, I'm planning on two days of no HS classes.

New form for advisers:
Statement of profit/loss.  This form is in staff share/adviser info.

Some New CPS Rules
I received an email about school district interactions with CPS, so I made a folder for CPS inside our procedures folder. The link to the file is above.

Khan Academy Now Offers Grammar
We’re excited to bring you our newest subject - Grammar! We created Grammar to help both native and non-native English speakers at all levels. In the new course, our resident grammarian, David, and our team of grammar experts explain punctuation, parts of speech, style and usage, and Standard American English conventions. As with our other subjects, your child can review topics and work on practice exercises at their own pace.
English varies throughout the world. We focus on Standard American English in this course, but we acknowledge that it's not the only "correct" form of English. We want to help your child feel confident that the English they speak is great, whether they’re in Birmingham, Brooklyn, or Busan.

Director of Special Content Initiatives

New Science Standards
New York State Board Of Regents P-12 Committee has approved new P-12 science learning standards.

Scholarship Opp for Students Entering Agriculture
Know a student who is pursuing a career in agriculture?  If so, lease share this with them. When I receive these types of messages, I'll put them in staff share / student opportunities / scholarships.


America’s math scores are getting worseWhen it comes to literacy in math, science and reading, American teens are far from top performers, according to new results from an international exam released Tuesday.

Friday, December 9

Thanks Felicia!
Thanks to our young tech dynamo, Felicia Woodard.  During our Board meeting Wednesday, Felicia completed a great presentation on how she integrates technology with Google Classroom. 
Well done.  

Latest HS News
Remember, if you have something you want me to share with the community, send it to me and I'll post it here. When I have a new post, I send it to all parent emails in grades 9 to 12. Thanks.

Latest IST video
Please watch this.  It concerns progress in the IST documents.

Student Research Awards
This is sponsored by the New York State Archives. Looks like a great opportunity.  The Archives site appears to have some great resources.

Integrating Tech Using the SAMR Model
Click on the title for a good presentation. I attended an hour long workshop on this method while at the Middle School conference in Watkins.  This method works for any age/grade level.

Natural High Info
I heard quite a few favorable comments about today's Natural High assemblies.  Matt's office manager sent me some info, so  I put it here:    Natural High Info
Please take a look at the linked document, which is basically the contents of the email. I've linked to a folder that contains some files that he sent.  Let me know if you need any help or if you have any questions/suggestions/comments. Thanks.

7 Valleys Writing Project
A professor from Cortland talked with my principal group about the 7 Valleys writing project.  This is open to any teacher of writing, and not just ELA teachers. You can get Masters credit for attending their summer conference.  Please let me know if you have any interest.


Latest TST BOCES News

These states allow teachers and staff to hit students

Monday, December 5

Remember - Assembly Monday with modified schedule:


Be very careful with addresses in emails
Just a reminder that everyone needs to make sure the addresses you're using in emails are what you intend.  I've made the mistake before myself. It's easy to start typing someone's name in and have some unintended name appear, even that of a student.  Double check every time. Thanks.

Good looking article on curriculum:
Rethinking school curriculum for a new world
An education thought leader says what we teach now has little relevance to the future

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Let's see if we can get several people to attend this valuable training.

HS teachers - talk to me about mid-terms soon.

CPR Class in Interlaken
I just received confirmation.  We will have a CPR class in Interlaken in the staff lounge- near the main office on Thursday, December 15 at 4:00 pm.  I will send a separate e-mail to those of you who have already responded to me.  If you don't get the separate e-mail, please e-mail me to sign up so there are enough instructors to accommodate everyone.

Thank you!
Dena Ganoung, RN
607-869-9636 ext 4162- phone
607-532-8540-  fax