Early August Notes

Hi folks,
I hope your summer is going well. 
Here are some notes for your review:

Master Schedule now in Google format.  This is in the staff share / A-schedules-calendars folder. Please check your schedule and let me know if you see any issues.

Welcome back letter - I'll send this out to teachers this week.

Please review the various tabs at the bottom of this wonderfully constructed piece of digital info:

*You can click on pictures here to make them bigger.

Staff Share folder updated: The folders below should all be visible to you.  If not, please let me know.  I updated some viewing rights, and I'm hoping it works for everyone:

Update your status with the TEACH system.  This is required of all teachers. You're supposed to do this before the end of your birth month. I will remind you of this every month this year.  If you have any questions, please let us know. Go to the file I've saved here  for directions.

Here's a link to the NY data site for our 3-8 math and ELA results.

PD Article - Why PD Should Be Like Master Chef  - any ideas here for us?

State Ed July E-Blast - All the news that's fit to print (I guess).

Latest BOCES newsletter.  As always, some good articles and opportunities.

ASCD opportunities   Cultivating Curiosity 

Wayside Teaching Revisited (AMLE)
From the author: "By wayside teaching I mean the teaching that is done in dozens of one-on-one encounters during class timesubtle reminders, probing questions, individual challenges extended, earned commendationsand in out-of-class contacts in the hallways or elsewhere."

 Why I'm a Racist   Interesting article for Social Studies classes?

Just Joking Helping Students Understand When Teasing Hurts

District Administration Magazine - August
Included: Writings New Wave; After School Acceleration; Five Years of the Core