Late August Notes

Master Schedule - click here

A few new tabs in the master - click on the pic to enlarge:

Check out our PD schedule Click on the "links-files" tab in the master.

State Education Department Releases Spring 2016 Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Assessment Results

Our Community Garden is becoming a reality!      See our presentation here

Excellent training opportunity - 
You Can't Stop What You Don't Know      I'd like to see at least a few people attend this.

Ever had kids tell you they can't hear you?
Take a look here.  With the blower units we have, this type of thing might help.  

The Teacher Professional Development Network, a grant project housed at SUNY Cortland, is interested in how we can help serve your district’s needs related to professional development for teachers of non-core content areas such as the arts, physical education, therapies, foreign language, technology, PreK, and any other subject that isn’t considered "core” curriculum.  

At the request of our partner districts we are planning two Teacher Professional Development days at SUNY Cortland offering professional development designed specifically for teachers who are not the target audience for most in-house PD, or who have few colleagues in their schools.

We are tentatively planning activities on Friday October 7, 2016 and Friday March 17, 2017, which will be open to teachers in our region free of charge. We are asking for your input to help shape the offerings we plan for those days. Please help us by taking a few minutes to respond to the survey linked below. And feel free to forward this email to your colleagues. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Alexis Abramo, Grant Project Manager in the School of Education at SUNY Cortland, at or 607-351-2078. We appreciate your time and your feedback.  

The Teacher Professional Development Network Team

Support for Pre-K-12 Classroom Projects:Kids in Need Foundation The Kids in Need Foundation is dedicated to engaging students in the learning process by providing grants towards the purchase of supplies for students to participate in special classroom learning experiences. Kids in Need Teacher Grants help pre-K-12 educators develop innovative learning opportunities for their students. The purpose of the grants is to provide support for classroom teachers who have meritorious ideas but lack the budget to bring them to life. Funded projects should make creative use of common teaching aids, approach the curriculum from an imaginative angle, or tie nontraditional concepts together for the purpose of illustrating commonalities. This year the Foundation will provide grants ranging from $100 to $500 through eight unique grant programs. The application deadline for all programs is September 30, 2016. Visit the Foundation's website to submit an online application.
ASCD's Educational Leadership magazine
Don't forget to examine the free Summer 2016 issue of Educational Leadership magazine, "How to Be a Change Agent." This all-digital issue is filled with ideas on what you can do to have a stronger influence on the students you teach, the schools you lead, and the world in which you live.

From pushing for small shifts in the status quo to advocating for innovation and equity, in "How to Be a Change Agent," you'll read all about how to be a mover and shaker who makes a difference in the lives of students.

Read Now

Digital Magazine Edition

Traditional Web Edition

Good articles:

The Future of Science Education Must Be Digital

Early August Notes

Hi folks,
I hope your summer is going well. 
Here are some notes for your review:

Master Schedule now in Google format.  This is in the staff share / A-schedules-calendars folder. Please check your schedule and let me know if you see any issues.

Welcome back letter - I'll send this out to teachers this week.

Please review the various tabs at the bottom of this wonderfully constructed piece of digital info:

*You can click on pictures here to make them bigger.

Staff Share folder updated: The folders below should all be visible to you.  If not, please let me know.  I updated some viewing rights, and I'm hoping it works for everyone:

Update your status with the TEACH system.  This is required of all teachers. You're supposed to do this before the end of your birth month. I will remind you of this every month this year.  If you have any questions, please let us know. Go to the file I've saved here  for directions.

Here's a link to the NY data site for our 3-8 math and ELA results.

PD Article - Why PD Should Be Like Master Chef  - any ideas here for us?

State Ed July E-Blast - All the news that's fit to print (I guess).

Latest BOCES newsletter.  As always, some good articles and opportunities.

ASCD opportunities   Cultivating Curiosity 

Wayside Teaching Revisited (AMLE)
From the author: "By wayside teaching I mean the teaching that is done in dozens of one-on-one encounters during class timesubtle reminders, probing questions, individual challenges extended, earned commendationsand in out-of-class contacts in the hallways or elsewhere."

 Why I'm a Racist   Interesting article for Social Studies classes?

Just Joking Helping Students Understand When Teasing Hurts

District Administration Magazine - August
Included: Writings New Wave; After School Acceleration; Five Years of the Core