February 10

Course guide for next year
I've placed an editing copy of next year's course guide in Google Drive.  I've set it up so that you can comment.  Please find your section and look things over.  Any questions, let me or Sean know.  Thanks.

The course guide is also linked from the contents tab of the master.

Middle School poster contest
MS teachers - please see the poster linked above.  I have plenty of copies for the kids.

STEPS weekly update
When I get these, I'll post them here.  The STEPS organization does a great job for our community!

NYS Triple C Award
Please see the message I received below.  I would like to get some names of kids who you believe are deserving of this award.  We can nominate two from both the middle and high schools.

Dear School Administrator:

I am honored to continue the Attorney General's Triple “C” Awards Program, a tradition which recognizes the "Courage, Commitment and Character" of New York's hard working students. In the past year and throughout my career in public service, I have had the privilege of meeting many outstanding young people from communities across the Empire State. Whether succeeding in academic pursuits, participating in community service, displaying leadership skills among their peers, or overcoming personal obstacles; these students provide us with hope for a brighter future. They are the students whom this award was established to honor.

Therefore, I am asking you to select two students whom you believe deserve special recognition to receive the Triple “C” Award. You may submit your nominations through our online portal.

Please fill out the form completely and submit it as soon as possible, no less than 3 weeks before the date needed. If you would like to nominate more than two students, you may submit the nomination form multiple times. If you would like to request a representative from our office to attend your ceremony and present your awards, please be sure to provide the date and location of the event.  This will greatly assist us in planning for the ceremony.  We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.

If you have not received your awards 2 weeks before your event, if you have any questions, or if you need assistance in completing your nomination, please contact our office at TripleC@ag.ny.gov or (518) 776-2355.

Thank you very much for your interest in our program. We look forward to receiving your nominations.

Letitia James

February 6

Room of the week

John Gilfus!

John's students are getting some great practical experience.  Thanks John.
We recently installed a second lift into John's auto shop.  This allows longer lasting projects to be in the class along with quicker jobs. 

I just posted the list above on our Family tab.  If you have any resources you'd like on this list, please let me know.  I'll be sharing it with parents.

Foster parent info
Linked from the title is a letter from Glove House, a foster parent organization.  This is also linked from the community resources list.

To view the community resources list and other family related items, over over
the Family tab on the site and make a choice. 

Sobering article on dwindling enrollment numbers
Over the last 40 years, numbers have dropped like a rock in many New York districts.

The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia 
Ithaca Spring 2020 Seminar Series

From Wendy Wright - email is wschoe83@gmail.com

Dear fellow educators,
Do you want to participate in an amazing professional development opportunity where you can earn 30 PD hours AND get paid? Would you like to travel? Do you want free classroom materials?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, take a look at the attached informational brochure from The National Consortium for Teaching Asia.  There will be a seminar help right here in Ithaca this spring.

I would love to talk about this unique opportunity with you and answer any questions you might have. I can be reached at 607-564-0286 or wschoe83@gmail.com

Thank you,
Wendy Wright
ESL Teacher - Lansing High School
NCTA - Facilitator

Planned system upgrade
This shouldn't affect anyone, but here you go just in case.

From: "Desk of Pam Mazzaferro"
Date: 01/27/2020 12:33PM
Subject: Network Outage February 17 Notification

Good afternoon.

To complete the CNYRIC migration to the new ACI Core,  we have to plan for one additional network outage on Presidents Day Monday, February 17, from 8 am to 6 pm.  All services will be unavailable during this time.

Performing the migration during regular business hours is necessary to ensure that CNYRIC has access to all levels of vendor technical staff throughout the day. I know outages are difficult for districts; at the same time, this work is a critical component for the security of the network and WAN. I much appreciate your support and understanding of the importance of this migration.