December 16

Check out Giorgi's new site!
 This site will help Giorgi's students to find the resources she needs them to, and parents can see what students are working on. 

Thanks to David, Dolly and Kate for a wonderful concert!

Here is the report for this week's Board of Education meeting. 

Anti-vaping show on 12/18
Our vaping awareness and nicotine prevention game show is this week on Wednesday the 18th. We're covering a very important topic with this fun activity.
We will be running a pep rally schedule with a slight twist.  We need a full hour for the show, so we'll plan on everyone being ready to go by 1:20.  With that in mind, we'll turn the bells off after 8th period.  I would like every teacher and staff member to be present.  This is an important topic, and we should all have a hand in advising students about the dangers. Plus, it will be fun! Thanks. 

Athletics schedules posted on the master

I just put a link to our athletics calendar on the master.  I also received a wrestling schedule from Kenny Sweet, our coach.  

Faculty meeting info for Tuesday
We have faculty meetings schedule for Tuesday.  These include department meetings.  Missy and I can determine locations for them.  If you have a particular request, please let one of us know.  

BOCES Teknologia Project

Do you want to learn more about this great PD opportunity? Contact Paul Wiech at BOCES.  Paul's email is  Enrollment is always open with our next meeting on 1/16 from 4-7 and it is in Frontline.

Check out:

Rob's project

Jody's project

Some info from the About section of Teknologia:

DCMO reminder - the same as Naomi's email last week. 

Hi folks,

It is time to start thinking about your 2020-21 supply budget. CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR; You will only be ordering supplies through the DCMO website. All other items like field trips, equipment, contractual, etc will be requested on individual requisition sheets as was done in the past. A total for each category should be placed on the 2020-21 Budget Summary Form and submitted to your supervisor by February 3rd.

DCMO has updated its online requisition website which was available November 8. The new site is formatted and operates similarly to most online retail sites that you have already worked with. It is more user friendly with pictures available and a Cart to put your order into. You can also hold items for later review. Deadline to order is January 31st.

A DCMO  Online Ordering Memo was placed in your mailbox last week. The Memo addresses how to locate and log-on to the Online Reqs Shopping Cart Requisitioning Program. The memo will have each staff person's Name and Log-on with Password on the back of the folded memo.  Please put your log in information as well as the email of your supervisor in the space provided when you set up your account.

IF you did not receive a memo or have difficulty signing in, please contact Sandy Hauf. I will be meeting with staff in both buildings in December to go over the budget.

Next week I will send the 2020-21 Budget memo, Budget Summary Form and Budget Booklet via email to assist with your ordering for next year.

Naomi Zuckerman
Business Administrator