June 17, 2019

School is almost out for summer!

Adviser reports and applications
...previously shared via email

Class/Club adviser report for 18-19

Class/Club adviser sign up form for 19-20

  • If you have not filled out these forms yet, please do so asap.  For people who plan to repeat as advisers, I cannot approve any 19-20 apps without first receiving your 18-19 reports.

Summer PD update
I am just about ready to let all applicants know of approved PD hours.  Sorry for the delay.  It's that time of year. 

Need work done this summer?
Make sure you get any CTS or building help tickets filled out.

Room changes

  • Our new 15:1 program will be in Tera's current room, and Tera will be moving to the room where Kim Lawrence is currently located. 
  • I am seriously considering a new use for the current high school computer labs.  Any suggestions are welcome. 
  • Any other ideas? Let me know. 

Reworked links page on the master 
I reorganized links on the cover tab of the master file.  This will carry over to the 19-20 file. If you'd like to see a file linked from there, please let me know.

End of Year Luncheon!

The month of June is quickly coming to an end and you are invited to the End-of-School Year Luncheon. Join us as we celebrate fellowship and a delicious lunch. 
Click here for the sign up link.

  • Who: Ovid Campus Faculty and Staff - anyone is from the district is invited
  • What: End of the year luncheon
  • Where: Ovid LMC
  • When: Monday June 24th, 11:00am - 1:00pm 
  • Why: Because it's Fun - Don't be a fun sucker 
  • How:  Please contact Bev to sign up to share a dish. 

State and BOCES news below:

New York State Mentor Program
I received a letter from NYSED explaining the reinstated NYS Mentor program.  Please take a look.  I'm hopeful that we can take a serious look at the possibilities.

NEW Edition of the NYS Next Generation Roadmap Spotlight Available Now 
  • With the help of New York State districts and BOCES, the Office of Curriculum and Instruction published the 2nd Edition of the NYS Next Generation Roadmap Spotlight!  The Roadmap Spotlight encourages district-to-district support and collaboration throughout our state as we progress through the three phases of the Next Generation Learning Standards Roadmap.  This platform enables educators, administrators, and leaders to benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of colleagues. 
  • In this edition, you will read about: 

Last BOCES News for this year

BOCES Teknologia Project

Rob and Jody recently participated in the BOCES Teknologia project.  Feel free to click the eportfolio link below to see some great projects.

Over the past 10 weeks TST BOCES has hosted upwards of 40 amazing educators with representation from each of our nine TST regional districts, participating in the Learning Tech Grant, Teknologia Project. These teachers have been collaborating across districts in the areas of: digital storytelling, podcasting, 3D video making, robotics, coding, collecting aerial footage by learning how to fly drones, exploring and recording images and data from trail cameras, and creating reflective ePortfolios to demonstrate their learning throughout the process.

They have become pioneers of their learning taking on the role of the student. Throughout this experience they have learned what it feels like to explore new ideas and devices, to be confused, struggle, fail, and find successes by engaging in their own hands-on, collaborative learning.

Message from State Ed:
A Universe of Stories” 
Unlimited Access to 6,000 FREE E-Books from myON’s Digital Library for Summer Reading at New York Libraries!
  • You are receiving this communication to inform you about the 2019 partnership initiative between the State Education Department’s Summer Reading at New York Libraries program and myON by Renaissance.  Beginning May 1, young readers across the State now have unlimited free 24/7 simultaneous access to more than 6,000 fiction and nonfiction e-books through September 30, 2019.
  • The State Education Department encourages you to share this reading opportunity broadly with school administrators, teachers, school librarians, students, and parents. Please distribute the myON/Summer Reading fact sheet broadly and follow these instructions for placing the Web Badge on BOCES, district, school, and school library webpages, as appropriate.
  • The Summer Reading at New York Libraries/myON partnership aims to keep children from birth through 12th grade and their families reading and learning through the summer by providing them with access to free e-books. It also encourages students and families to visit and use their local libraries for a wide variety of free book (including e-book) selections and engaging summer programs and fun learning activities.
  • In addition to unlimited simultaneous 24/7 web access via one simple statewide login, families can use the myON app to download up to twenty books at a time for reading offline. Many titles from the myON collection, including books in Spanish, have recorded audio, text highlighting, and other features to help strengthen reading skills and help prevent summer slide.
  • The attached Fact Sheet is available for downloading and printing at Summer Reading at New York Libraries/myON Facts Sheet.
  • For information about Summer Reading at New York Libraries and helpful educator resources, visit Summer Reading at New York Libraries.
  • Questions about Summer Reading at New York Libraries and/or the 2019 myON partnership initiative may be directed to Sharon Phillips, Summer Reading Program Coordinator, New York State Library, at 518-486-4863 or Sharon.Phillips@nysed.gov.

Code.org Professional Learning Opportunity in Computer Science
  • Computer science opens doors of opportunity — every student can benefit from a foundational understanding of the creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving behind the technology we use in our daily lives.
  • Code.org and select regional partners are offering summer workshops for teachers and schools, who are encouraged to apply to qualify using the following links: Grades 6-12Grades K-5
  • If you have any questions about applying or workshop schedules contact a Code.org regional partner by visiting: https://studio.code.org/pd/regional_partner_contact/new.