Monday, April 22

Hi folks,
I hope you enjoyed your break.  It's hard to believe we're 3/4 of the way through this school year.  We already have summer on our minds with the first post below.  Have a great week. 

Summer PD

Click the link above if you'd like to
apply for summer PD. 

Faculty meetings Tuesday
We have faculty meetings this week.  I will meet with HS/shared teachers in the flex lab, and Missy will meet with MS teachers in Krista Becker's room.  If any shared teachers need to meet with the MS group, that's fine with me. The main topic of the HS/shared meeting will be our list of struggling students, and how we can assist them in helping themselves.

Academic Calendar for 19-20
The academic calendar is set for next year. I'll be setting up letter days and other things for next year.

Important message on sharing Google files

Please watch the video linked above.  If you share Google files, it's important that you check the sharing settings and know what buttons to push. 

Academic Warning List
I've made a few changes to this list.  We will try putting the action plans right into this document.  This will take action from everyone, so if you want to communicate the plan, put it right here.  You and I can communicate the plans to students. I'll stop in team meetings to review this.

Some good resources from Barry Derfel at BOCES:

Free webinar from ASCD:
Upgrade Your Teaching:  Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience 

Castle Learning Can Help

For those of you who use Castle Learning, thanks for making use of it.  For those of you who don't, it's really worth a shot.  Please check the link in the title.

Plan Board

Rachel shared this through Team 9:
It will link the NYS standards to your plans. It tells you which state standards have been covered. Looks like a visual plan book.

She said that it was very easy to set up and to even make adjustments in the event of a schedule change, snow day etc. It also has options to do online quizzes and attendance. One can log in via Google.
Thanks Rachel.

"Boom" Event at Cornell on April 23

Message from Cornell:
Dear Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Educators,;

I am writing to let you know about a student-made technology showcase happening at Cornell on Wednesday, April 24th. The event is called BOOM and it runs from 4 pm to 6 pm in Duffield Hall on the Cornell campus.

BOOM features 40 projects created by Cornell students. Some projects are robots; some are apps; some are video games; some are simply cool devices. All are competing for thousands of dollars in prizes. BOOM is a great opportunity for local students to see what an interest in STEM fields can lead to, even just a few years into their futures.  If you have students who like to tinker and take things apart, BOOM might be what they need to get inspired to take the next steps and learn more. If you have students who like to code or simply like to play video games, BOOM might be the place that shows them that they too could create games and useful apps.

BOOM is free and open to the public. I hope you will share this information with any students you think might be interested. For more information, check out the BOOM website:

Thank you!
Chris Dawson, Brand Manager and Web Content Writer

Marketing and Communications
Cornell Engineering
(607) 254-1399

Need a mortgage?
A rep from Elmira Savings Bank contacted me about a program that saves money for teachers/staff in schools.  See the link for more info.

Scholarship opportunity:
Deborah Goldberg Environmental Stewardship Scholarship

Interesting quote from a book I'm reading:
I'm reading a book by Mitch Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans.  I learned that the person who wrote Amazing Grace was a slave trader. Reading books through the Kindle app presents some nice tech opportunities for sharing.


Seventeen Reasons Football Is Better Than High School  A fellow principal at Groton shared this.

Explicit Phonics Instruction: It's Not Just for Students With Dyslexia


Latest STEPS news
What is STEPS?  Seneca Towns Engaging People for Solutions

BOCES Weekly Bulletins
Barry shares some really interesting stories in his bulletin. Here's an example:
Little War on the Prairie (This American Life) -  Growing up in Mankato, Minnesota, John Biewen says, nobody ever talked about the most important historical event ever to happen there: in 1862, it was the site of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. Thirty-eight Dakota Indians were hanged after a war with white settlers. John went back to Minnesota to figure out what really happened 150 years ago, and why Minnesotans didn’t talk about it much after