August 22

Hi folks,
I know it's been tough lately for many with the flood aftermath, but I hope you have been enjoying your summer. Since it's getting very close to another new school year, I'd like to share some things with you, so sit back, relax, and enjoy reading the information below. As always, feel free to email or call if you have any questions. Thanks.

Master Schedule
Our master has a bold new look this year.  OK, it's a master schedule, and it's about the same.  Anyway, I have changed the looks of the links on the cover. Hopefully that will help.  Our files that are used most often are linked from the master's cover page.

  • All meetings will be on the calendar tab.
  • Links to files/folders are on the cover tab.

Important Early Events

Pre-service days on August 29 and 30
Missy and I have been working diligently on planning for these days.  Our 2018-19 PD calendar is linked here so you can check the events workshops that are going on.  Please email either one of us with any questions or needed corrections about your particular events.

Superintendent's Conference Day, September 4
Plans for this day are also listed on the PD file linked above.

Family Festival (Open House) on Thursday, Sept. 6
Last fall, we saw some really good progress with our first ever Family Festival, which is our fancy name for the open house.  It helped that we brought in some community groups.  One grandparent told me it was the best such event she had ever attended.

We're making a few changes to the event this year:
  • All community groups will be in the gym lobby or atrium.  That will create a "Main Street" feel to the event. 
  • Earlier:  We're doing it during the first week of school. Hopefully, the freshness of the new year will hep even more with attendance.  The earlier time might also keep everyone focused on meeting each other and not thinking about grades. 
  • Minimal sports that night.  We have a home golf match that day, so one team will be affected versus several. 
If you have any suggestions, please let me or Missy know.

Falcon Friday (HS), September 7

  • I am currently working on a schedule for Falcon Friday (HS).  We will use either an early release or half day schedule based on the number of events we have. Remember that seniors will be on a trip that day.  We will have class meetings along with things like Chromebook handouts and a library presentation from Jody.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know asap, as I need to have the final time plan in place by the 29th.
  • One note on Chromebook handouts:  Seniors can get Chromebooks on Wednesday. Grades 9 to 11 will get them on Friday. A few people mentioned that handing them out on Wednesday would be best, but we need most students to have permission slips turned in first so that we're not scrambling for 3 days.  Handouts should be much smoother this year since groups will be smaller.

Brad Hurtig assembly, October 2
I am currently working on an adjusted schedule for the assemblies (separate MS and HS assemblies).  I'll get that out soon.  Brad's site is  This should be a very good one.

Room Changes and Furniture Notes
I'm excited to share that several rooms will be sporting new room arrangements and some new furniture. Some teachers will be in a new location. Below is a summary, and I'll share some pictures when all the rooms are put back together.

  • MS Computer lab:  New arrangement that Jody loves. She's sure you'll like it too. 
  • Mike Putnam:   Mike has gone to tables inherited from Brad's old room.  Looks great!
  • Chad Eastman: New location in the previously unused science room. 
  • Brad Cartwright: New location in Chad's former room.  
  • Patty Parsons: New location in Brad's former room.  Patty received some new tables and chairs, which look great and should prove great for students. 
  • John Robertson: John also ordered some new tables and chairs.  We're hoping students love the changes. 
  • Flex lab:  We're putting several learning labs in the flex lab this year.  It has an updated seating arrangement, and we removed some extra chairs. It looks marvelous. 
New flex lab configuration.  Holds 34 students; more chairs possible.

John R's new tables.  Wow, that guy must rate pretty high!

PD Notes

Poverty Simulation at BOCES

On September 20th, BOCES is holding a workshop on poverty.  Click the link in the title.
Hosted by: Tompkins County Youth Services Department, Tompkins Community Action Inc., and TST BOCES Youth Development Program
Thursday, September 20, 2018
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Smith School Gymnasium (555 Warren Road)
Registration is required – no later than September 14th
Contact Theresa Albert at 274-5310 or

BOCES Newsletters

Keep an eye on the BOCES site and their newsletters for quality PD.  
BOCES newsletter page is linked here. 

Tech-CTS Notes
Scam email from Mike Pliss     Great cautionary statement from Mike.

Remember that our CTS crew is here to help with any issues. It's always best to put in a help ticket, which is available from the district home page under "staff."

Google stuff
Here's a repeat of Karen's email (thanks Karen).

Google is going to be rolling out new changes to the program. Any new classes you create BEFORE the release of the updates will not get the changes. If you want the new changes, you must create your classes after the release. Release should be in a few weeks, but no exact date yet. - Community services site
I will link this from the district website.  All sorts of community services are linked here. 

Have a great day.  See you next week!