Tuesday, June 19

Hello Everyone,
As we round out the year, there are a few reminders.  Thursday the 21st is a full day. For Friday the 22nd, we have our annual recognition and end of year breakfast in Interlaken at 8, which is considered a work day as well.  For the MS/HS people, that day ends when you have completed the following:
  • Completed the forms from Kim Dresser and Karen Denmark
  • Met with Missy to be sure your end of year paperwork is signed (HEDI score, etc.)
  • Any forms for proctoring exams have been signed when applicable 
  • Submit any course outlines for next year
  • Submit any supply lists for publication on the website and/or messages home. 
All of these can be taken care of prior to next Friday. Please stop down and tend to these tasks as you're available and able. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Fran, Darlene and Kim - Thanks for your service. We will miss you!

Falcon Camp and High School Falcon Day
The Middle School Staff is reducing Falcon Camp to two days from three. Many folks in the High School liked Falcon Friday, so I'm proposing that we do something similar this year, but possibly on Wednesday (first day).  It was a bit easier to plan this year because Falcon Camp was 3 days and Falcon Friday 1 (worked well with the rotation), but we should be able to still do it. Please let me know what you think (Wednesday, Friday, scrap it, change it, etc.).  If High School teachers have suggestions for the student meetings, please let me know.

Change to special room access
I have submitted a maintenance request to change the lock cores on several rooms.  The hall side lock core will be the same as your room's intruder core.  That way, you'll be able to get into these rooms without having to request a key or have someone else open the room for you. This will (in my opinion) actually enhance the security of those rooms since I've noticed them being unlocked several times when not in use.  Please be sure to lock the rooms up once you are done.  The rooms are listed below.  If there are others that I'm not thinking of, please let me know.
  • Flex lab
  • Board room (112) - quite a bit of LLab use
  • HS & MS computer labs
  • Guidance conference room
Master being sent out
I've been reviewing the master and sending the link to folks as things are completed for them.

I'll also ask our CTS folks to push it out to desktops like we did this year.  I like to think that some useful links were placed on the page this year.  If you'd like to see any formatting changes, now's the time to ask.  Thanks.

Any ideas to help kids with reading? 
Since we received the generous $50,000 gift from Dollar General, we've started thinking about what we could buy to help as many kids as possible.  We'll be trying to devise a detailed list this summer. If you have any ideas, please let me or Jody Gale know. Thanks.

Summer reminders

Pre-service days
Our pre-service days will be August 29th and 30th.  I'll be sending you a plan as soon as we have it done.  We are considering any and all ideas for needed training, so feel free to let me or Missy know what you're thinking.  Ideas for these days so far:

  • Team meetings
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Thinking
  • Assessment strategies
  • Tech - including Google Classroom, Drive, Castle Learning, others

Room cleaning and maintenance schedule
I spoke with Todd yesterday, and he gave me a general outline of his plans for cleaning, which includes waxing floors. If you plan to work in your room around one of the time frames listed below, you might want to call or email first.
  • HS second floor - first couple weeks of July
  • MS second floor - mid to late July
  • MS first floor - first couple weeks of August
  • HS first floor - mid to late August

PD Notes
I'll be sending a PD report link to all folks that doing summer PD.  Please report in this fashion when you have completed your work.

Need help from maintenance or tech?
Put in requests.  The request systems are available from the district home page under "Staff."

Contact numbers for summer
  • Tim - 607-793-7846
  • Missy - 315-719-5040
  • Cathy - 607-342-6254

Articles and other tidbits

Cool Social Studies tool:
After seeing these 15 maps, you'll never look at the world the same
This article describes Truesize.com, a site that shows how the Mercator projection distorts the size of land so much. This is a very cool tool.

BOCES weekly bulletin for June 12

Bullet proof safe rooms for students
This product might be a good idea, but it's a pretty sad commentary on our society in my opinion. Click on the picture in the post below to see the video.