Tuesday, March 20

Good day Fellow Falcons,
I want to get some special events out now so we're all on the same page.  We have some valuable events that will add value to our students' time in the following weeks. Please see below.  There are several links if you'd like to check them. I'll make this a regular feature of my weekly notes. 

Upcoming Events:

April 23 - Save a Life Tour (HS only)  See link for company details.  We will have an assembly schedule, so periods will be shortened by just a few minutes.  Students will have access to driving simulators during learning labs or lunches. The assembly schedule I have in the master is currently for middle and high, so I'll be modifying it for this event.

May 2 - Funding the Future Show     This is a program that's being brought to us free of charge.  I will make a special schedule for this day, so minimal class time will be lost.

May 11 - Jared Campbell (MS only).  Jared has been with a few times to great reviews. He will be visiting the Middle School along with the Elementary School. A modified MS schedule will be shared shortly.

Date TBD (early May) - Seneca County Sheriff Mock Crash   This annual event is sponsored by the Sheriff's office.  It's after the prom this year, but the learning experience will be valuable.
*See note below.

May 8 - Health Fair - Anne and I are working on a couple of schedule ideas.
Please check this document.  It has both schedule ideas on it, and you can comment.

* All events are listed on the calendar tab of the master with the exception of the Seneca County event. That will be posted there once the date is set. If we were able to get the fire department to help with our own mock crash event, we wouldn't need to run older kids up north.  I'll keep you informed on that.

Falcons' Nest Phone
The Falcons' Nest has been equipped with a phone.  The extension is 4112.  The nest is working out well so far, and behavior has been appropriate. Students know that one person can ruin it for all.  If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.

BOCES Updates

    BOCES news for March 13

    BOCES news for March 20

ASCD book:  

How to Teach So Students Remember

Edith Ford Events folder
Shannon regularly sends me info about upcoming events, so I store them here:   Ford Library folder
When she sends me new info, I'll share the link again.

Reality Works

I just received info from this company:  www.realityworks.com

They sell teaching tools for animal and veterinary science, plant science, welding education, electrical wiring, and employability skills. 


Is that a flash drive or an e-cig?

What Central NY parents should know about JUUL 

These devices are not allowed in our building. 

Monday, March 5

Faculty meeting on Tuesday
Jaydn McCune and Tina Hallock, both from the Racker Center, will be here on Tuesday to review their services.  Jaydn will present a new idea for helping students in our building.  Any help that we can receive is appreciated. We will meet in the aud. 

Please click the link in the title for the PD schedule. Let me know if you see anything that should be changed. Note: If anyone else would like to join in on our alternative program discussion, please let me know. 

2 updated pages in this blog

I've included 2 pages here that I hope can be useful. Look at the links on the top left.

  • Our mission and vision statements are a reflection of the work done in our Self Reflection Committee.  We've come up with a 6-12 vision statement and a high school mission statement to combine with the existing district and middle school mission statements. Please let me know what you think. 
  • New Speakers page.  When I get info from various speakers and organizations, I'll post them in this page.  If you have an idea (thanks Laurie Fort), please get it to me.  I'll put the link in the page and let you know that I have a new one there. 

Funding the Future live event on May 2nd

A teacher sent me info about this program a month or so ago.  She had heard a report on NPR about the program's success. So I did some research, and I was able to book them for May 2nd. The program is a novel way to get financial literacy into the minds of young people.  We'll warm 'em up with a rock band and feed 'em full of good knowledge.


BOCES newsletter

A couple of opportunities covering mental health:

Please click the title here for a link to this BOCES sponsored series of 2 workshops. 

2018 Utica National School Risk Seminars

I recently received info about mental health seminars in several location. Feel free to check the link.

2 programs for kids:

Ontario County Youth Court
I was recently contacted by the coordinator of the Ontario County Youth Court. They have opportunities for students from South Seneca to serve on the court in Geneva.  If you would like to get involved, or if you know some students who might be interested, please let me know. 

Duke Tips Program
The Duke Tips program is a Duke University program filled with information, resources and programs for academically gifted students in grades 4-12. Here is a link to the website: https://tip.duke.edu   I will also share this with families. 

Google Drive File Stream (from Denny a few weeks back)

If you are using your Google Drive with Google Drive Sync, and we hope you are, so that you have local folders that sync with the Google Cloud storage, then you/we need to replace Drive Sync with Drive File Stream.

If you are using it, you have probably seen offers to install Google File stream.  We encourage you to accept the offer.  This only applies to your SOUTHSENECA.ORG GSuite account.

In the unhappy case that you are synching your private Google account, we would ask that you no longer do that.  If you are offered a chance to install Backup and Sync, we would ask that you not do that.

If you would like help either migrating to or initializing Google Drive File Stream please complete a Tech Work Order, or contact us by other available means.

Here's the Google article on using this product:


    "You are receiving this communication because you have some users who are still using Drive for Mac/PC. When we launched Drive File Stream last year, we announced that the Drive desktop sync client for Mac and PC—a feature officially known as “Google Drive for Mac/PC”—would shut down completely on March 12th, 2018. In response to your feedback, we’re delaying that shutdown date to May 12th, 2018. "

PD opportunity - Taft School
Feel free to check it out.