June Year End Stuff

Here are some things you need to know for the year end.  I will update this post as I think up new and exciting things for us all to remember!  Thanks for looking. 

This week's meetings

Master schedule updated   Please take a look and let me know of any issues. Preps/duties etc. are not completed yet.

Very important surveys to fill out:

2015-16 in review   Please give your input directly to me with this one.

Summer PD:   PD survey   Deadline is Friday, June 17.

Please do the adviser report and application ASAP.  Thanks.
   Advisor report:
   Fill out this form to report this year's class or club adviser happenings

   2016-17 Adviser application:
   Fill out this form to apply for next year's positions.

Other links:

Planner  - Please get used to checking this occasionally.  It's available from the table of contents inside of Staff Share.

Regents Testing File - All the testing/proctoring news, hot off the press.

Christa's Caring Bridge account sign in

Latest BOCES newsletter from Barry Derfel

Please do not let kids into any rooms without supervision. We had a situation last week where some kids got into a room and made a mess.  

Check out shop.ascd.org for some great products.  If you see anything you'd like to use with a PD project, please let me know.  We have an institutional membership and should get the best price.

Missing Students:
For the rest of this school year, please do not send out an email to everyone about a missing student. If you think a kid might be skipping a class, please get in touch with one person to start.  Marilyn or Tim C would be a good start.  It can be investigated, and if a kid is skipping or otherwise lost, it can be dealt with.  We can get the kid to the office or AC and work with that kid for an explanation and/or consequence. One of these emails can lead to 2 or more responses.  Multiply all those emails by the amount of people  on the lists, and it creates a lot of inefficiency.  You know I'm all about trying to make our communication more efficient.  There must be a better way. Any ideas, I'm all ears. If you have an idea, please speak with me or reply to just me.

On another topic, remember to take period by period attendance. This is extremely important. We sometimes have students who are absent from school but don't get reported until later in the day. We can't let that happen.

Surveys from last week (finished):

Mr. Zielinski would like the following 2 surveys to be completed.  Info from these surveys will give us valuable input.  Thanks for doing the staff survey and sharing with your students.

   WE LEARN™ Instructional Staff Survey

   WE LEARN™ Student Survey – Grades 6-12